Friday, March 2, 2012

Almost Missed Today

My wife and I just returned from the dollar theater.  We left home with the intention to see the new Sherlock Holms movie.  Imagine my frustration when we get there 15 min early and it is sold out.  Friday nights, gotta love'em.  Anyways, I felt like i had to settle for another movie.  "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" intrigued me.  I looked at my wife, she nodded her head.  I bought the tickets.

What an experience.  I felt as though I were a passenger on the journey with our young hero.  The director orcastrated the film in a way that I felt a little bit what it might be like to live life as a young man with Asperger's disease.  I wont add any more details but it is enough that I could feel his journey as he made it.  I gasped when he gasped and I made connections when he made them.  I was so enthralled that I did not notice the constant music coming from someones ipod during the movie; at least not until my wife pointed it out.  I thought it must be a part of the movie because no one comes to see this kind of movie and then listens to their ipod.  The movie continued and I forgot about the music.

The end left me sitting without the desire to leave.  The credit music rolled over me like waves on the warm beach of Porta Pinllasco, Mexico.  Eventually, we decided to leave and let the people in our row out; though, i think they were as mesmerized as we.

Once in the car and moving I noticed that I could hear Wicked playing in the background.  I messed with Brooke's radio thinking it was coming from there.  It wasn't.  Confused, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to discover that Pandora had been playing for the past three hours. 


  1. Would you recommend the movie? I've read the book and I really enjoyed it, but I haven't seen the movie yet.

    1. I would definitely recommend the movie. Just remember not to compare the book with the movie and you will be happy. I have not read the book but this is a good rule of thumb to enjoying adaptations :-)
