Children bring a smile to the heart. Tonight the Provo school district hosted an elementary choir concert with kids from all of the elementary schools in the district. Brooke wanted to see the Westridge kids. They performed wonderfully with a bongo accompaniment. However, imagine her delight when she learned Provo Peaks came to sing as well. She finished her student teaching there in a sixth grade class.
The Provo Peaks choir began to sing. Their voices melded together; yet, there was something. A dissonance in the voices. I eventually located the child. They had placed him in the front row. I smiled. He sang with his whole body, his head swinging back and forth showing both hearing aids at different angles. Every now and again, he would become especially invigorated and his voice would blast into the nearby microphone. The pitch would go up sharply and then back down when he ran out of air.
The music may not have been Mozart, but the heart involved communicated feeling that only an artist understands. I smiled.
I love kid concerts...